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De l'entreprise individuelle à la moyenne entreprise

Vous pouvez utiliser CoManage dans n'importe quel secteur. Néanmoins, nous souhaitons mettre en évidence certains secteurs avec des aspects pratiques spécifiques.

Very satisfied with comanage! In the meantime, our program to carry out quotations and invoicing has been going on for more than 2.5 years. The chat application is not only easy, but you also get a clear explanation very quickly how you can get things done.
Satisfied customer,
Sbs-Pro roof & joinery

Bjorn Seuntjens

Very satisfied with the program and the fast and good support!

Corné Hoek

I stumbled upon CoManage by accident on a Saturday afternoon, when I was looking for the ideal program for our newly established company. When I wanted to test the so-called "chat support", I realized that there was actually someone from support behind the screen to answer my additional questions. I hadn't seen this before with other software developers, especially on weekends. Wherever I am, any time of the day, I can ask for help and get an immediate response or solution. CoManage offers exactly what I need to translate the core activities of my company into concrete actions. it is very intuitive and easy to use. I couldn't have made a better choice! Today I use time registration, Project Management, invoicing, quotations and costs. Perfect for a start-up company in the business services.

Julie Alloncius

Co manage is a very clear and handy billing program. They are always available via chat for questions. We are very satisfied with their service, highly recommended!

nils peeters
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